Our Policies

This policy took effect on 11th March 2024.

Welcome to our Policies page, the backstage pass to understanding how we roll at Tizzo. Here, we're all about transparency, but don't worry, we promise to keep it light-hearted and jargon-free. Think of it as a friendly chat over a cup of coffee, where we spill the beans on how we do things around here.

First up, we've got our privacy policy – the digital equivalent of wrapping your data in bubble wrap and putting it in a safe. Your information is precious, and we treat it like the treasure it is. Then, there's our terms of use, the fine print that's not so fine. But fear not, we've distilled it down to the essentials, making sure you're not bogged down with legal mumbo jumbo.

So, kick back, relax, and take a stroll through our Policies page. We promise it won't be as dry as toast – we've sprinkled in a bit of humor to keep things interesting. After all, who said policies had to be boring?

Terms & Conditions