Greetings card printed on a lovely delicately textured off-white surface, it comes with an attractively arty striped brown envelope.
The size is A6 / about 4x6 inches / 10x15cm (folded size), blank inside.
The image on this card is one of a series of drawings I have made that are inspired by swimming outside. Each drawing is usually about a particular swim on a particular day, in a particular place with particular friends. On the back of the cards is a little story about the swim. On the back of this one it says this:
“Summer Visitors”
in Clevedon Marine Lake
You probably expect absolute truth from my pictures, so I have to break it to you: this drawing is not completely accurate. The second time we swam with the visitors, the water was indeed clearer. The curious could admire them; the nervous try to avoid them, and that was considerably less unnerving than bumping them invisibly.
But the lake is hardly ever THIS clear, and even if it had been, I have taken liberties with physics, and perspective, and water, generally.
…and Lucy wasn’t there, and if she had been, her purple bikini is now permanently retired from active duty. The aqua blue bikini in which she swam two days later – too late, because the water was all stirred up again – is too similar in colour to the sky. These things matter, in a composition.
But the moon jellyfish WERE there, in our lake, in considerable numbers, washed in on the last spring tide. I haven’t known this before, and so they had to have a drawing in their honour. And Lucy had wanted to play with them. Not everybody did.
And so there is as much truth in this drawing as art will allow.
Larger Sizes:
Most of my images are available as larger art prints. If you are interested in prices of larger prints, please send me a message.
Art by Nancy Farmer on WaterDrawn:
I have a website of all my swimming-related artwork at www.waterdrawn.com
...Art and design inspired by my love of swimming under the sky.